- Address
Av. Benjamín Franklin,13
AIDIMME, based in Valencia (Spain), is a Research and Technological Centre focussed on metal, wood, furniture and packaging transformation technologies and construction. It was founded in 1984 as a private non-for-profit association with national (Spain) and international scope. Since then, we have contributed to increase the competitiveness of Spanish companies in national and international markets and developed a large number of national and European R+D+i projects as partners and coordinators. AIDIMME’s strategic lines are Circular Economy, Industry 4.0, Materials toxicity, Additive manufacturing, Advanced applications of materials, Packaging systems, Development and enhancement of products, Modified surfaces, Biomaterials.
Contact Person
Irene Beleña
Net fixed assets: € 6,9M
FACILITIES: The technical capacity of AIDIMME together with extensive experience in sectors with high technological demand and continuous evolution, since 1984, facilitates and favors the constant development and updating of the companies and institutions with which it collaborates.
AIDIMME makes available to the companies and entities it supports, the extensive and highly specialized knowledge of its human resources, as well as an important infrastructure of facilities and equipment.
25.000m2 distributed in 5 buildings and warehouses
- Headquarters Benjamín Franklin - Fiscal Address. Calle Benjamín Franklin, 13. Paterna Technological Park. (Valencia)
- Leonardo da Vinci Headquarters - Registered Office. Avda. Leonardo da Vinci, 38. Technological Park of Paterna. (Valencia)
AIDIMME has the most modern equipment and a unique technological infrastructure equipped with the most advanced laboratories, carrying out more than 45.000 laboratory tests and 5.176 services provided.
- Equipment Link
- Facilities
R+D projects (design, development, testing, prototyping...) - national and international
Technological services (testing, certification,...)
- Services Link
- Services