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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems

Polígono Industrial Empresarium, Calle Romero Nº12


- Aeronautic,  designs, composites, RM
- ECO and BIO, recycled and sustainable plastics
- Polymer nanotechnology
- Agrifood developments, active and intelligent packaging
- Industrialization
- Hybrid moulds development, RM technologies – polytechnic moulds
- Mecatronics and robotics
- Renewable energy, solar, eolic
- Packaging
- Automotive, rail  and other means of transport
- ICTs

Aitiip Technology Centre

Aitiip Technology Centre

Contact Person

Berta Gonzalvo
Research Director
+34 976 46 45 44
is SME contact


Facilities and equipement related to plastic processing, machining & manufacturing, engineering & design, additive manufacturing, validation test and tuning before industrialisation and ICT applications (See website for details)


- Scientific & technological
- Study / initial design / Simulation
- Proof of concept / Lab testing of basic experimental set-up/ Characterisation
- Component/ breadboard / process development & testing
- Prototyping (integrated system/ sub-system) development & testing
- Pilot line / demonstration line / preseries

- Plastics injection and new technologies in plastic injection.
- Plastics processing and rubber operator.
- Mould design.
- Machine tool operator.
- Innovation management

Service for Industry and SMEs


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