- Address
MostaMST 1761
The AquaBioTech Group operates a state-of-the-art technology centre and contract research organisation located in Malta. AquaBioTech Group is a leading research and technology company for product development and testing of products and applications related to the marine environment.
An independent testing facility that ensures experimental results of the highest integrity and quality, whilst all enquiries received, project discussions and results generated by the company are treated in the strictest confidence with no intellectual property (IP) retained by the facility.
Some of our areas of research include:
Feed formulation research and studies
Fish health research and studies
Offshore technology testing
Aqua technology testing
Fish nutrition
AquaBioTech Group
AquaBioTech Group
Contact Person
- The AquaBioTech Group has been continually upgrading and expanding its aquatic research and development facilities, which currently includes a total of seventeen (17) trial rooms - “Bays” with over twenty-eight (28) individual trial systems, all utilising the AquaBioTech Group‘s highly efficient and stable RAS technology.
- The veterinarian unit is geared towards undertaking various aspects of applied research into vaccine development, testing, efficacy and challenge trials as well as viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases in aquatic animals. Work also includes assessment of other medicinal items, functional feeds and antibiotics.
- The fish nutrition facility is available to international companies to benchmark commercially available products and carry out exploratory research on new products. Such as testing new formulations or specialised novel ingredients for providing new approaches to improving fish growth, reducing environmental impacts or improving fish health. In-depth detailed research, such as digestive physiology, metabolic biochemistry and quality issues can also be undertaken at the facility in a wide variety of species.
- Laboratory and Analytical Capabilities
- Antifouling / Marine surface engineering and coatings testing facility (harbour and offshore)
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology Research Capabilities
- Water quality labs
- Equipment Link
- Capability Statement | Research and Technology Testing
The AquaBioTech Group provides a number of services for SMEs and large enterprises in the field of product and technology development spanning from proof of concept validation and prototyping to technology demonstration to testing and validation to lab and real time environment at its land-based and offshore testing facilities. In addition it offers workshop and training areas where we make sure that our clients are well vested with the technology before it goes commercial.
Monitoring and control Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Surface engineering and coatings Vitamins High value food & feed additives Amino acids, enzymes Antibiotics Polymers, biobased chemicals, plastics, surfactants Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) OtherOther activities
Underwater acoustic communications, Equipment technology