- Upper organisation
- Address
37-39 rue Dareau
The Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute (Carnot TSN) is France’s premier Carnot Institute dedicated to information and communication sciences and technologies at a national level. It offers cutting-edge research and integrated solutions to the complex technological issues that have emerged in the ongoing digital, energy, environmental and industrial revolutions:
- Communication and data processing networks and systems,
- Strong interactions between interfaces and contents,
- Critical role of communication in the development of uses.
We are focused on the technical, economic and social consequences of these revolutions, especially regarding IoT, networks & media of the future, uses and services, autonomy and health, environment sustainability and global security.
Areas of expertises
Physics / Design / Economics / Networks / Digital & analog communications / Computer science / Cognitive sciences / Electronics / Images & signal processing / Data processing / Applied mathematics / Optics & components / Micro-mecatronics / Micro-nanosciences / Management / Automation & robotics / Modeling / Sociology / Micro-waves / Security / Law & regulations
Services to SME
- Support to collaborative projects. Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute is a Horizon NCP (National Contact Point) for the SME and ICT programmes. Carnot TSN supports SMEs in accessing EU and National fundings.
- Joint Laboratories with SMEs. Example: "The Secure Compression Lab". The partners of the joint laboratory are IMT, which brings its academic expertise in compression and security, Doremi, the current global leader in digital cinema servers, and Secure-IC, a SME expert in the design of security components.
- Access to Technology Platforms for test, validation, prototyping (See below, equipment).
- Technology Transfer. Example: in order to contribute to the competitiveness of innovative SMEs, IMT offers SME an access to research results by regularly organizing “Technology Days” throughout France where SMEs meet research labs on specific innovation topics (security, cloud computing, IoT, Big Data, ...).
- Support to entrepreneurship. Numerous business incubators, which also develop programs for training and education on entrepreneurship, are associated with IMT graduate schools. Business projects born in these incubators are supported by the incubator’s team and backed throughout the different stages of creation by various associated partners (business models, legal matters, technology, financing etc.). Almost 100 start-up and spin-off companies are created each year within these incubators. https://www.imt.fr/en/research-innovation/innovation/business-creation/
- Access to finance. IMT has set up two systems of support for project leaders, start-ups, SMEs and intermediate-sized enterprises wishing to build up their capital: 1) IMT Funding through an unsecured loan for start-up businesses incubated in the Télécom Graduate Schools and IMT, in partnership with the Fondation Télécom, the CDC and France Initiatives. 2) A 3T start-up fund (venture capital firm, http://www.3tcapital.com/) in partnership with the CDC and the European Investment Fund.
- Training (lifelong learning programme). Télécom Evolution is a training organization that specializes in digital technology. Télécom Evolution helps enterprises develop staff skills around the major challenges posed by digital technology, such as the internet of things, Big Data, computer security, intelligent transport, information systems and service platforms. http://www.telecom-evolution.fr/fr
Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique
Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique
Contact Person
Pierre SIMAY
More than 50 technology platforms. 6 chosen platforms
In the domain of data processing for observation of the environment:
- SERTIT, Service Régional de Traitement d’Image et de Télédétection – Télécom Physique Strasbourg
- OSE, Observation et Surveillance de l’Environnement, Vigisat (sea and land observation) and TASM (digital communication via acoustic underwater links) – IMT Atlantique
In the domain of fixed and mobile networks:
- OpenAir, open source hardware/software for wireless connections – Eurecom
- EUROP, fixed networks and very high speed communication, Télécom Saint-Etienne
In the domain of data and services:
- Teralab, big data and cloud computing – IMT
In the domain of optics and components:
• Arago, technology platform for fiber optic communication, components (clean room), optics and optoelectronics and 3D imaging – IMT Atlantique
- Equipment Link
- Carnot TSN
1) Research
- Collaborative research within framework programs (ANR, H2020…)
- Fondation Télécom program for public interest research
- Foresight & Think Tanks
2) Operational research
- Targeted collaborative research (FUI, Régions…)
- Industrial research Chairs & joint labs
- Research, consultancy & assessment contracts
- Access to research platforms
3) Innovation
- Access to test & simulation platforms
- Support for innovative projects
- Technology transfer (patent assignment, licensing)
- Support for standardization
- Incubation & support for entrepreneurship
4) Training
- Integrated basic training (internships, joint projects)
- Continuing & custom training, MOOCs
- Services Link
- Carnot TSN