- Upper organisation
- University of Aveiro
- Address
Universidade de Aveiro
Due to its nature grounded in mechanical engineering, the Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA) is a strategic and relevant Research Centre for (and with) the Community, particularly business and industry.
TEMA is included in the “Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance”, having been classified by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and CCDRC – Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro with the highest rating ("Category 1 - Those that have demonstrated high scientific potential and are considered to have high strategic regional and/or national relevance"), following the reference in https://www.fct.pt/apoios/equipamento/roteiro/index.phtml.en
TEMA Research Centre supports a multidimensional structure embracing three strategic specialization vectors: i) Fundamental and Applied Research; ii) Innovation, Technological Development and Technology Transfer to the Society; and iii) Consulting, Training and Services.
One of the key-services of TEMA Research Centre is the support of research activities, both fundamental and applied. Particularly on the domain of the relation with “clients” (i.e., external researchers and industry), the Research Centre TEMA provides, in a single and rationally concentrated facility, all the means needed for the development of their research, by means of an internal division and organization with six research groups: i) Advanced mechanical engineering; ii) Applied energy; iii) Biomechanics; iv) Development of simulation software; v) Nanoengineering; and vi) Transport technologies.
Innovation, Technological Development and Technology Transfer is particularly and naturally focused in mechanical engineering domains. The purpose of this vector is to promote the link between the developed research and enterprise sectors, as well as to provide a connection for technology transfer from the University to Industrial and Business' stakeholders. This is carried out by means of the support for (and to) products and processes' development, aiming to improve the competitiveness and excellence of the clients, namely in business areas such as: i) The development of new computational tools; ii) The study and development of new materials and engineering systems; iii) Innovative engineering products, including biomechanical devices; iv) Innovative and/or improved manufacturing technologies; v) Design of equipment and prototypes; and vi) Nanoengineering applications.
The Consultancy, Training and Services vector is a natural complement to the previous ones, derived from the acquired knowledge in the support of research and solutions’ development for the Community (Industrial and Scientific). Also, the accumulated knowledge and know-how of the TEMA Research Centre is grounded on its laboratorial facilities. The mission of this vector is to address the needs and demands of a wide variety of clients’ profiles among a number of expertise areas, namely: i) Mechanical testing, essays and prototypes; ii) Material characterization at micro and nano scales; iii) Industrial automation; iv) Energy systems, energy efficiency and fluid mechanics; v) Transportation systems’ impact, environment and life-cycle analysis; vi) Optimization of manufacturing processes; and vii) Molding technology.
Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation
Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation
Contact Person
As a result of the investments conducted by TEMA over its 20 years of existence, the Research Centre is able to provide a wide range of highly specialized equipment. The surface analysis system by Multi technique XPS/UPS and AES highlights the uniqueness of the services that the Research Centre provides to the Community. Namely, it is the only one available in Portugal, regarding the vacuum environment conditions at the 2E-10 mbar level. Together with this specificity and based in the mechanical engineering relies the Research Centre’s diversity. The Research Centre TEMA is equipped with a set of mechanical samples’ tests, whose combination can be considered as unique in Portugal. Ranging from high precision machinery of 1E-6 N (e.g. universal dynamic testing machine with a measuring range of 100 N), passing by equipment specialized in measuring biological tissues, obtained by means of in vitro cultures, to machines of 1000 kN that allows for testing advanced high strength steel alloys. It therefore becomes possible, in a unique facility, to obtain results and measurements of mechanical tests in several scales, from nano to macro.
The main equipment available at the Research Centre can be seen following the reference in
- Equipment Link
- Infrastructure - equipment
The main purpose of the Research Infrastructure TEMA is to provide services of excellence support for the scientific and technological research in the area of mechanical engineering, addressing the needs and demands of the clients and partners at the national and international levels. The value proposition of the Research Infrastructure TEMA is the ability to easily address complex challenges due to its natural combination of multidisciplinary areas, fed by a human capital whose expertise is highly recognized and complemented by a set of advanced equipment.
The priorities’ axes assumed by the Research Unit TEMA are: i) Materials; and ii) Health, properly contextualized with the region’s reality and, consequently, aligned with the Innovation Platforms: i) Sustainable industrial solutions; and ii) Technologies for the quality of life. In parallel, the Societal Challenges in which the Research Infrastructure TEMA has a direct and strategic action and responsibilities are i) Health; Demographic evolution and well-being; and ii) Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw-material.
The Research Centre TEMA is able to offer services (e-mail: tema.services@ua.pt) of/in the following laboratories and/or equipment/intervention areas, which can be seen following the reference in
- Services Link
- Infrastructure - services