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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems
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Dekonta Holding, a.s.

Dřetovice 109, 273 42 Stehelčeves


Dekonta is an international Czech supplier of environmental technologies and services. It operates in various fields like contaminated sites management, waste management, water and waste water treatment, waste gas treatment, chemical and microbiological analysis, demolition and industrial cleaning services.

Due to a long term view of its business, Dekonta invests an important percentage of its turnover into R&D with a long-standing tradition. 

R&D activities are oriented mainly on perspective technologies, procedures and equipment for commercial application. Our technology center focus its research on the following topics:

(i) In situ Decontamination of Groundwater (such as ISCO/ISCR, Nanotechnologies, Hydraulic Fracturing Enhanced Remediation or Thermally Enhanced Anaerobic Dechlorination);

(ii) Advanced Physico-Chemical Methods for Soil and Water Treatment (photochemical oxidation, electrocoagulation of heavy metals, thermal desorption using microwave heating or membrane contactors for organic pollutants removal;

(iii) Constructed Wetlands for Municipal and Surface Water Treatment;

(iv) Waste Air Treatment (Thermophilic Biofiltration, Photochemical Oxidation, Odour Compounds Removal Using Plasma, Catalytic Microwave Treatment);

(v) Advanced Biotechnological Processes (Co-composting of Contaminated Soil,  Biodrying for Waste Sludge Treatment, Mycoremediation).

The company participates in many Czech and EU grants and has established close relations with the leading European universities and research institutes active in the environmental protection. A non exhaustive list includes:

- Internal research and development activities carried out using own funds and using public funds of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Industry and Trade, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Defense) and international (FP EU, Eureka, Eurostars).
- Cooperation with specialized research institutes in the Czech Republic (VŠCHT Praha, ČZU Praha, UPOL Olomouc, ÚJPŠ Hradci Králové, řada ústavů AV ČR) and abroad (Vito / Belgium, University of Stuttgart / Germany, ECOIND / Romania, Technical University Košice / Slovakia etc.).
- Cooperation with a number of domestic and foreign technology companies (Flottweg / Germany, EconIndustries / Germany, ALLU / Finland, CTP / Austria, Celtic / Great Britain, ALS / Norway, etc.).

Dekonta, a.s.

Dekonta, a.s.

Contact Person

Davide Messana
is SME contact


Technology Laboratory, Slaný – this facility focuses on research and development to treat wastewater and emissions, process waste and remediate contaminated sites using quarter- and half-scale operations. The facility is equipped to carry out basic operations to prepare and process tested samples. If necessary it is possible to carry out simple orientational chemical analyses on site. In the main laboratory building there is a vacuum thermal desorption unit with batch capability and a three-phase centrifuge. Also in this building is a half-scale mixer, pelletizer and hydrocyclone. In the newly acquired hall units have been installed for continual thermal desorption, waste scouring and activated carbon recovery. Technology for treating wastewater and atmospheric emissions is concentrated at the workplace by the decontamination area. Here there are also rooms to conduct quarter-scale and half-scale testing – especially column tests, biofiltration tests, scrubbing and catalytic oxidation of gases and air, absorption and adsorption of odorous substances, wastewater treatment by stripping, sorption, biotechnological processing, oxidation and photo-catalytic oxidation. The facility is also equipped with analysers (including a gas chromatograph) and basic resources to process and treat samples and to prepare solutions and reagents.

Biotechnological and analytical laboratory, Dřetovice – This facility is equipped to conduct basic chemical and comprehensive biological analyses of samples, soil and water – for this the laboratory has been accredited by the ASLAB accreditation centre (and an accreditation certificate issued). In addition, the laboratory produces biopreparations that are applied in biotechnical processes, including biological treatment of wastewater and emissions.

Analytical laboratory, Ústí nad Labem – this laboratory is comprehensively equipped to determine the content of a wide range of inorganic and organic substances in waste, soil, water and gas samples. A significant portion of the laboratory was acquired through grants provided in the PHARE programme. The laboratory continues to develop successfully. In 2007 it underwent accreditation and has since gained numerous new customers.

Emissions measuring centre, Ústí nad Labem – this facility is authorized by the Ministry of the Environment to conduct independent measurement of emissions sources. Practically speaking, this is a mobile laboratory that is fully equipped to sample emissions and determine individual types of pollutants.

Biotechnological laboratory, Ostrava – this is a smaller facility focusing on research and development activities that also provides support and oversight of operations in the area of biotechnological processing of waste (production of biopreparations, basic microbiological analyses, etc.).

Research centre laboratory, Dřetovice – the research centre in Dřetovice focuses on research and development in the area of biotechnological, chemical and physical methods of processing wastewater, atmospheric emissions, contaminated matrices (soil, groundwater, sediments, etc.) and waste. The research centre laboratory is used to conduct laboratory and model testing for current research and development projects. However, due to the need to ensure a clean environment in areas adjacent to the biotechnological and analytical laboratory, the ability to conduct “dirty” testing in this laboratory is limited, which is why such testing is conducted at the technological laboratory in Slaný.

Liquid waste processing centre in Letňany (Prague) – this facility is approved to process various types of wastewater. Considering the specific focus and equipment of this facility, it is also used to conduct certain pilot-scale water treatment tests.

Equipment Link
Dekonta R&D


A description of the services has been provided in the previous field. Additional info can be found at Dekonta's website ( at the R&D section.

Services Link
Dekonta R&D



Other activities

Co-composting of Contaminated Soil, Biodrying for Waste Sludge Treatment, Mycoremediation

Service for Industry and SMEs


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