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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems
Upper organisation
Hasselt University

Martelarenlaan 42


IMO-IMOMEC is the Institute for Materials Research of Hasselt University. The core competence of IMO is the development and characterization of new material systems with potential use in microelectronics, bioelectronics and nanotechnology. In the core competence field, fundamental as well as applied research programs are carried out.



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IMO-IMOMEC has a leading analytical & electrical testing laboratory that possesses a wide variety of testing capabilities. Also fully equipped chemical laboratories are available for custom organic and polymer synthesis.
Our scientists are highly qualified industrial analysts, who focus on generating the appropriate data needed to solve our client's needs. We provide our clients with high-quality problem solving services by utilizing the skills of our physicists & chemists in conjunction with state of the art scientific equipment. Standard turnaround time is typically three business days and all reports generated can be emailed or faxed.
All data collected and test results generated are considered strictly confidential.
Currently, there are around 70 techniques available at your disposal ranging from materials synthesis to electrical and physical/chemical characterization.


- Scientific & technological
- Study / initial design / Simulation
- Proof of concept / Lab testing of basic experimental set-up/ Characterisation
- Component/ breadboard / process development & testing
- Prototyping (integrated system/ sub-system) development & testing


Monitoring and control Electronic and optical functional materials Industrial materials (incl. catalysts, membranes, adhesives, filters) High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Materials for energy storage and generation Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Surface engineering and coatings Polymers, biobased chemicals, plastics, surfactants Quantum technology Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) Memory and storage Heterogeneous components & more than Moore (MEMS, NEMS, sensors, transducers) Heterogeneous integration/embedded systems Nanoparticles & nanomembranes Nanowires and tubes Nanoemulsions and pigments Photodetectors (solar cells, photo-diodes, photo-transistors) Laser based applications

Service for Industry and SMEs


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