- Upper organisation
- IMT Bucharest
- Address
Erou Iancu Nicolae Street
IMT Bucharest is a Romanian National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (www.imt.ro) providing the first “open” centre in micro-and nanotechnologies in Eastern Europe (2009), the so- called IMT centre for MIcro-and NAnoFABbrication (IMT-MINAFAB, www.imt.ro/MINAFAB). IMT-MINAFAB is in fact just an interface with customers (including SMEs): the services are provided by researchers and engineers from various departments. The mode of operation is clearly illustrated by TGE-PLAT, a 3 million euro project financed by structural funding (2016-2021), This is a project dedicated to knowledge transfer from IMT to Romanian companies, including consultancy, technological & scientific services, R&D at demand, etc. The project is explicitly based on the IMT expertise in there KETs (micro-and nanoelectronics, micro-and nanophotonics, nanotechnology) which are correlated (integrated) to a certain extent. Some success stories are displayed at www.imt.ro/partner/index.htm. IMT Bucharest (through IMT-MINAFAB) is partner in a network of facilities coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, through the project “Networking Open Access nano Micro Facilities in the Danube Region (DNMF_net) started at 1st of June, 2017. One of the objectives of this project is to create “a culture of technology transfer to SME’s”.
The main services and equipments are described at http://erris.gov.ro/MINAFAB. A special division of IMT-MINAFAB is devoted to Micro- and nanostructuring and details are available at http://erris.gov.ro/Micro-Nanostrfucturing. New investments (after 2013) are grouped in the CENASIC centre and information is presented at http://erris.gov.ro/CENASIC.
Contact Person
Radu Popa
- Laboratories and equipment for fabrication, characterization
- Micro-Nanophotonics Laboratory (modeling, simulation, CAD, analysis, characterization, testing)
- Micromachined structures, microwave circuits and devices Laboratory (RF-MEMS)
- Equipment Link
- IMT centre for MIcro- and NAnoFABrication (IMT-MINAFAB)
The IMT Support Centre for MIcro- and NAnoFABrication (IMT-MINAFAB) at the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT Bucharest) is an experimental facility - in operation since 2009 - covering the full development cycle for micro- and nano systems and devices: design-modeling-simulation, basic and advanced processing, complex characterization, device/system integration, and reliability testing. It consists of clean room and grey room areas (ISO 6&5 - 200 sqm, ISO7 - 120 sqm, ISO 8 - 300 sqm) and specialized labs (60 sqm), equipped with state of the art equipments (worth ~9Meuro), including a mask shop, micro- and nanolithography, plasma-based processing and depositions, e-beam depositions, high level characterization etc. The centre is open to multidisciplinary research, education and industry cooperation and offers direct and indirect access to basic or complex services for academic and industrial users through various collaboration schemes. IMT-MINAFAB has been involved in almost 40 European projects, including the development and incorporation of MIMOMEMS, an European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimetre Wave and Optical Devices, based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors. It is ISO 9001:2008 certified since 2011.
Facility for micro-nanostructuring of devices and sytems contain the equipments listed as follows:
Equipment for: Micro Lithography and custom configurations; Nanolitographiy; Special deposition technique; Physical deposition method (from solid pahse); Dry etching; Chemistry and Mask shop.
Laser lithography system - DWL 66 fs (Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik, Germany), equipment that use laser direct writing process on resist for geometries transfer form computer to crom masks. The dimentions of masks produced by DWL equipment can be in rage of 4” – 6” and mimim resolution of line is 0,6 microns.
Electron Beam Lithography and nanoengineering workstation - e_Line-Raith GmbH, Germany; resolution line 10nm;
Double Side Mask Aligner - MA6/BA6-Suss MicroTec, Germany, resolution line 0.6 microns;
Electron Beam Evaporation - TEMESCAL FC-2000 (Temescal, USA), metalic thin laers deposition for transfering the mask geometris on substrate followed by lift-off.
Deep Reactive Ion Etching System (DRIE) , plasma ething equipment for silicon, SiO2, Si3N4.
Reactive Ion Eatching (RIE), plasma ething equipment for polisilicon, resist.
Main categories of servicies offered: technological services for micro-nano devices and systems: micro and nano-litography, 3D micro and nano-structuring in semiconductor materials; metalic layers for lift-off; plasma etching; custom masks design and realization.
Access mode: direct access or access through services for local (Romanian) and foreign users.
Quality certification of services: starting with June 2011 IMT-MINAFAB infrastructure which include Facility for micro-nanostructuration of devices and sytems is SR EN ISO 9001:2008 certified by TÜV Thüringen e.V. Germany.
- Services Link
- http://www.imt.ro/MINAFAB/services.htm