- Address
Rua Alves Redol, 9
INESC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (http://www.inesc.pt/en/) is a private, non-profit institution that was founded in 1980 and has established itself as the national reference model of the University-Industry relationship.
The holding-type structure of INESC introduces a model of diversity, complementarity and creative freedom, through its participated members (R&DT Institutions):
- INESC TEC (http://www.inesctec.pt)
- INESC ID (http://www.inesc-id.pt)
- INOV INESC Inovação (www.inov.pt)
- INESC MN (https://sites.google.com/site/inescmn/)
- INESC Coimbra (http://www.uc.pt/en/org/inescc)
For this topic we suggest to enter a short description of each entity, above listed, that allows to understand the innovation services provided to industry and SMEs under the INESC flag.
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência - INESC TEC is a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies. Presently host 650 researchers (295 PhDs) and its main sites are located in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real.
INESC TEC activity is structured in four thematic domains:
Industry and Innovation:
• New methods and strategies for Enterprise collaborative Networks and supply networks
• Manufacturing Systems design and Operations management
• Innovative ICT for manufacturing and industry 4.0 solutions
• Business analytics, decision support and interoperability
• Robotics and Intelligent Systems, including: Collaborative robotics, flexible robotics, machine vision and intelligent systems, AGVs
• Service engineering, Innovation management and technology transfer
Networked Intelligent Systems:
• Sensing technologies, including optical, physical, chemical and acoustic sensors, RF antennas including planar and arrays of antennas
• Electronics and Signal processing techniques
• Robots and autonomous systems in complex environments, including underwater
• Communications, mainly focused on wireless and optical communications
Computer Science:
• Big Data, Machine Learning and Data Mining
• Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments
• Cryptography, Information Security and Privacy
• Information Management and Information Systems
• Intelligent and Adaptive Systems; Distributed Systems
• Software Engineering
Power and Energy:
• Renewable energy sources (RES) integration
• Electric vehicles deployment
• Distributed energy resources (DER) management
• Demand response (DR)
• Smart grids and energy analytics
Regional, national or European networks that INESC TEC is part of:
MANUFUTURE European Technology Platform
EFFRA – European Factories of the Future Research Association
PRODUTECH - National cluster of manufacturing technologies
FORUM OCEANO - national cluster for maritime economy
TICE.PT - national cluster of ICT Technologies
NEM initiative
INOV Inesc Inovação - Instituto de Novas Tecnologias (www.inov.pt) is a private non-for-profit R&D institute, dedicated to applied research, development and technology transfer, acting in the area of Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ICT + Electronics).
INOV’s main purpose is the participation in technological development and innovation processes in close co-operation with enterprises and universities. In order to fulfil its object, INOV matches its scientific partnerships to the demands of the national or foreign industrial operators and enterprises, and their needs in terms of innovation and technology transfer. Furthermore, INOV supports industry and business, private or public, providing them with assistance in their own development activities and promoting their technological achievements.
It has an agile and flexible internal organization, a staff of over 100 highly skilled employees and a technological infrastructure capable of meeting the demands and needs of the contemporary industry, via effective processes of technology development, transfer and assimilation.
INOV has human resources and offices with development and support capability in Portugal, and has local commercial representations in Brazil and in the PALOPs (African Countries with Portuguese as Official Language), where INOV has experience of more than two decades in the supply of products, systems and services for public and private entities. INOV also has extensive experience in National and European R&D projects, as well as major public and private clients in Europe, such as: European Space Agency, NATO, Siemens, Philips, AIRBUS, etc.
The core INOV competences can be subdivided into four strategic areas:
• Communications and Cybersecurity;
• Monitoring, Navigation and Control;
• Information Technologies;
• Electronics.
Services Provided include:
• Technology development and transfer;
• Education and training;
• Technology consulting;
• Solution development (including prototyping and test).
Regional, national or European networks that INOV is part of:
INESC-ID - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa is a non-profit institution, dedicated to Research & Development in the fields of Information Technologies, Electronics, Communications and Energy. It was created in 2000, as a result of a reorganization of its parent institution INESC. Since December 2004, the institution has the status of “Laboratório Associado”, by FCT.
The main objectives of INESC-ID are to integrate competences from researchers in electrical engineering and computer science to advance the state of the art in computers, telecommunications, information systems and energy and to perform technology transfer, also through the support of technology based startups, and to provide technical support either through basic research or applied research and advanced education.
Currently, INESC-ID integrates more than one hundred PhD researchers and two hundred post-graduation students divided between several research groups, organized in five main research areas:
-Computer Systems and Communication Networks;
-Embedded Electronic Systems;
-Information and Decision Support Systems;
-Interactive Intelligent Systems;
-Energy Systems.
Regional, national or European networks that INESC ID is part of:
Several COST Actions (BM1006, IC0805, IC1001…);
Excellence networks (EURO NF, EURO FGI);
INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias is a private, non-profit Research and Development Institute created in January, 2002 from the former Solid State Technology group of INESC which existed since 1992. Since January 2008, INESC MN belongs to the Associated Laboratory - Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN) - to work in the emerging fields of Nanotechnology, BioNanotechnology and Nanosciences.
INESC MN is dedicated to leading edge research and development in strategic technological areas of micro- and nanotechnologies and the application of these technologies to electronic, biological and biomedical devices. INESC-MN research work shares the laboratories and class 100/10 clean room facilities used for student training. An important part of INESC MN’s mission is to provide advanced training at Master, PhD and post-doctoral levels, acting as a bridge between the Technical Engineering School (IST, Universidade de Lisboa) and industrial partners worldwide. INESC-MN also offers transfer of technology to both Portuguese and international industries through collaborative research, contract research, prototyping and consulting.
INESC MN provides cleanroom microfabrication and prototyping services to industrial and SME clients through:
- contract research and development
- collaborative research within a joint National or European project
- individual services according to the client’s needs
Innovation services provided by INESC MN include:
- development and prototyping of materials, devices or systems
- cleanroom microfabrication or nanofabrication processes
- consulting on materials and device design
- training of personnel in micro and nanofabrication and microfluidic devices
- small series production of prototype chips
Regional, national or European networks that INESC MN is part of:
- Rede Nacional de Infraestruturas - Portuguese Research Infrastructure Network, within the Micro&NanoLab@PT
- Marie Curie ITNs – EU Advanced Training Networks (PROSENSE, SPINICUR)
- Spintronic Factory – more than 40 EU industrial and academic partners with activities on magnetics.
INESC Coimbra
INESC Coimbra is a non-profit institute devoted to scientific and technological research, knowledge transfer and support to post-graduate studies.
Cooperation protocols enable INESCC researchers to use the space (offices and laboratories) offered by its partner high education institutions, namely UC, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (PIL) and Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (PIC).
In the Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Computers of UC three contiguous laboratories (Energy Management, Simulation & Teletraffic, and System Analysis) are equipped with computers and servers, mainly devoted to number-crunching, and diversified equipment bought by INESCC for R&D projects. Specialized software is used for programming and running optimization solvers, and equipment includes mainly energy audits tools, used by researchers and students in R&D projects and MSc/PhD theses.
In the Dept. of Civil Eng. (DCE) of UC, 7 rooms are used in computational mechanics and decision support projects, equipped with computers and general/specialized software, including self-developed applications. The experimental facilities of DCE are also used for structural studies, materials research, heat transfer simulation, etc. Specialized software in DCE developed by INESCC includes interactive decision support algorithms for network optimization, web-based spatial decision support systems and public participation applications.
At Dept. of Mathematics of UC, total stations, GPS receivers and software (Matlab, ArcGIS, IDRISI, etc.) are used in geomatics projects. The Faculty of Economics of UC provides access to specialized databases, e.g. ProQuest and Datastream, which includes financial information especially about publicly listed companies.
A delegation of INESC Coimbra exists in PIL with 100m2 (used in a cooperative manner by researchers, PhD and MSc students), 15 desks (with workstations, laptops, printers, wireless access, B-On) and a meeting room, including access to Videoconference. Equipment includes energy audit and indoor air quality tools (e.g. 12 energy analyzers and several analysers for monitoring of pollutants and thermal comfort).
In PIC several equipment mainly devoted to electric traction is available for researchers and students, including: power analyzers, maintenance of electric motors, bench test for electric traction systems, batteries and chargers, power electronics components, real time processors, FPGA, motor controllers, a vast range of sensors and scientific software.
Regional, national or European networks that INESC Coimbra is part of:
ECCS – European Convention For Constructional Steelwork
COST Action TD1409 - Mathematics for industry network (MI-NET)
COST Action IC1406 - High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)
COST Action CA15127 - Resilient communication services protecting end-user applications from disaster-based failures (RECODIS)
COST Action TU1305 - Social networks and travel behavior
COST Action TU 1304 - Wind energy technology reconsideration to enhance the concept of smart cities (WINERCOST)
COST Action FP1304 - Towards robust PROjections of European FOrests UNDer climate change (PROFOUND)
COST Action IS1309 - Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects (INOGOV)
SUB-URBAN - A European network to improve understanding and use of the ground beneath our cities (COST Action TU1206)
Expert Judgment Network: Bridging the Gap Between Scientific Uncertainty and Evidence-Based Decision Making (COST Action IS1304)
People Friendly Cities in a Data Rich World (COST Action TU 1204)
Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (COST Action TU 1208)
Decision Deck
Mapping and the citizen sensor (COST Action TD1202)
European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC) (COST Action IC1203)
Building Integration of Solar Thermal Systems (BISTS) (TUD COST Action TU1205)
MIT-Portugal Program
INESC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
INESC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
Contact Person
Paula DIAS
INESC TEC has several laboratories, including:
• Industrial Robotics Laboratory
• Laboratory for Robotics and autonomous systems (including underwater and outdoor)
• Power systems and smart grids Laboratory
• Virtual Reality Laboratory
Web links where more information on the equipment can be obtained:
INOV has equiped laboratories in Electronics and Optoeletronics. Laboratories are used for design and development and also training actions. INOV manages its own data centres.
Web links where more information on the equipment can be obtained:
INESC-ID shares a significant amount of resources with other institutions, research institutions and universities.
Besides INESC-ID Alameda, we also have a campus located at IST Alameda and at IST Tagus Park. In addition, we also use technical equipment in partnership with other institutions; a significant example is with INESC-MN, which makes available the laboratory "clean room" for research projects, many of them common between the two institutions. In terms of infrastructure, we have several specific laboratories within our facilities, where equipment is shared between research groups.
INESC-ID has therefore several laboratories, with specific equipments:
-Embedded Systems Laboratory
-Microelectronics test & prototyping
-Power & Electromechanical
-Spoken Language
-Intelligent Agents
-Visualization & Multimodal Interfaces
-Data-Center & HPC
Web links where more information on the equipment can be obtained:
INESC MN has a Class 10/100 cleanroom (~200 m2) with a Class 10.000 grey area (~200 m2) for support and laboratorial equipment. INESC MN also has an additional 170 m2 of laboratory space for materials and device characterization as well as microfluidic processing.
A list of the equipment available at INESC MN include:
- Magnetron sputtering systems (5) – Nordiko 2000; Nordiko 7000; Alcatel; 2 homebuilt systems
- Ion Beam Deposition and Milling systems (2) – Nordiko 3000; Nordiko 3600
- PECVD systems (3) – Electrotech Delta; Aixtron Black Magic; 1 homebuilt system
- Reactive Ion etcher – LAM Rainbow
- Optical Lithography – Heidelberg Instr. DWLii
- E-beam Lithography – RAITH 150
- Photoresist spin coater and developer track – SVG series 88
- Plasma cleaner
- SEM – Hitachi S-2500
- Optical and Fluorescence microscopy (Olympus and Leica)
- Nano-spotter (GeSim NP2.1 Nanoplotter)
- X-ray diffractometer
- Profilometry and Ellipsometry
- Vibrating sample magnetometry
- Device Noise characterization
- Magnetotransport characterization
- Optical and Electronic characterization of MEMS
- Optoelectronic characterization of semiconductor and microfluidic devices
- Dicing Saw (Disco DAD 321)
- Wirebonding
- Chemical mechanical polishing
- 3D printer
- Equipment for fabrication of SU-8 molds and PDMS based microfluidic devices
- Micro-milling system for fabrication of microfluidic structures in acrylic
- Nanoplotter
Web links where more information on the equipment can be obtained:
INESC Coimbra
Computers and servers, mainly devoted to number-crunching.
Specialized software is used for programming and running optimization solvers.
Equipment includes energy audit and indoor air quality tools (e.g. 12 energy analyzers and several analysers for monitoring of pollutants and thermal comfort).
Computers and general/specialized software, including interactive decision support algorithms for network optimization, web-based spatial decision support systems and public participation applications.
Total stations, GPS receivers and software (Matlab, ArcGIS, IDRISI, etc.) .
Web links where more information on the equipment can be obtained:
- Equipment Link
Research and Technological Development services
Proof of concept and prototype development
Technology transfer
Access to all laboratories and testbed for validation and prototype testing
Advanced consulting in INESC TEC specialization domains
Advanced training
Pre-incubation of start-ups
Web links where more information on the services can be obtained:
As stated, Services Provided by INOV include:
• Technology development and transfer;
• Education and training;
• Technology consulting;
• Solution development (including prototyping and test)
Services Provided include:
These services are provided either in the framework of R&D co-funded projects or on a contractual basis with companies and other eocnomic agents.
Web links where more information on the services can be obtained:
R&D services
Prototype development
Proof of concept development
Technology transfer
Testbed for validation and prototype testing at laboratories
Advanced consulting in INESC-ID domains
Advanced training
Web links where more information on the services can be obtained:
INESC MN provides cleanroom microfabrication and prototyping services to industry, SMEs, research institutes and university groups both inside Portugal, in Europe and around the world:
- Magnetic thin films and multilayers
- Transparent electronics (ITO, IZO, AZO, SiO2, MgO, TiO2)
- Oxide and nitride thin films (SiO2, SiNx, AlN, TaN, MgO, TiO2)
- Thin film semiconductors (a-Si:H, nc-Si, alloys with carbon, doped layers)
- Magnetic characterization
- Optical and optoelectronic characterization
- Optical and fluorescence microscopy
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Profilometry and ellipsometry
- Services Link
Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 Human machine interaction Monitoring and control High performance computing High precision processing & high-performance production (flexibility, productivity, precision and zero defect) Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Electronic and optical functional materials High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) Power/printed/flexible electronics Memory and storage Analogue and mixed signal devices (µ-wave, RF, THz) Heterogeneous components & more than Moore (MEMS, NEMS, sensors, transducers) Heterogeneous integration/embedded systems Photodetectors (solar cells, photo-diodes, photo-transistors) Optical communication and networks, fibres, components & systemsOther activities
INESC_TEC: Technology transfer, Advanced training, Specialized consulting, Preincubation of technology-based companies
INESC_ID: Technology transfer, Specialized consulting, Prototyping, advanced training
INESC_MN: Advanced training, Technology transfer, Fast prototyping, Consulting
INESC_Coimbra: Efficiency evaluation in industries and services, Routing optimization, Urban 3D modeling, Geographical Information processing, Energy management, Quality of service in electricity networks, Safety evaluation of structural systems