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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems

20 Avenue Albert Einstein


INSA Lyon is an Engineering School dedicated to Applied Sciences, which makes it a large and unique research center which joins education activities, research laboratories and socio-economic partners (over 1.000 industrial contracts a year). As an academic oriented to industry, our institute carries out research in engineering sciences for companies looking for technological solutions

Research at INSA Lyon is organised around five main areas:

1) Energy for a Sustainable Development

2) Environment: Natural, Industrial, and Urban Environments

3) Global Health and Bioengineering

4) Digital Society and Information

5) Transport: Structures, Infrastructures, and Mobilities

INSA Lyon research ecosystem is completed with the scientific and technological platforms which provide the industrial sector with advanced technology and expertise.

INSA Lyon is a member of different European Technology platforms (SUSCHEM, WaterEurope)



Contact Person

Research Administrative department
is SME contact
Marie-Cécile BARRAS
is SME contact


The equipment, facilities and laboratories available at INSA Lyon cover a broad range of applications and techniques:

  • Additive manufacturing and 3D printing
  • Mechatronics, automated production, industrial information systems and digitization control
  • Surface treatment pilot site (liquid and powder coating processes, UV polymerization, robotised pistol and bowl)
  • Non-destructive testing (experimental and numerical equipment)
  • Electroactive materials and systems (3D printing technique, characterizations)
  • 3D characterization of material microstructures (X-ray tomography, In-situ tests under mechanical loading and thermal loading)
  • Formulation and characterization of advanced materials (polymers, ceramics, composites and biomaterials); relations between microstructures and properties
  • Operando microscopy for materials microstructural characterization
  • Micro & Nano-technological facilities
  • Platform for biotechnology, synthetic biology and synthesis chemistry


The range of services are mainly focused on:

  • applied R&D,
  • scientific and technological services and expertise (study, characterization…),
  • development of process,
  • prototype development and testing
  • access to specialized equipment.

Our institute works with all industrial sectors: Transport (aeronautics, rail, road), Nuclear, Space, Metallurgy, Mechanics, Chemical industry, Food industry, Energy, Water, Health, …..


Additive manufacturing Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Monitoring and control Human machine interaction Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 Electronic and optical functional materials High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Industrial materials (incl. catalysts, membranes, adhesives, filters) Materials for energy storage and generation Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Surface engineering and coatings Analogue and mixed signal devices (µ-wave, RF, THz) Heterogeneous components & more than Moore (MEMS, NEMS, sensors, transducers) Heterogeneous integration/embedded systems Memory and storage Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) Power/printed/flexible electronics AR/VR Artificial intelligence & Big Data Block chain Cloud Computing IoT Digital tech for security/cybersecurity

Service for Industry and SMEs


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