- Address
66 boulevard Niels Bohr
INSAVALOR is the subsidiary of INSA Lyon for R&D, valorisation and Professional training.
Since its creation in 1988, INSAVALOR acts as an active support of INSA Lyon’s research. Its role is to identify companies’ needs, in terms of know-how, technology and training and mobilize the scientific teams in order to bring out innovative solutions.
INSAVALOR manages more than 1 000 industrial contracts per year.
PROVADEMSE is the technological innovation platform of INSAVALOR dedicated to the development of environmental technologies. It facilitates the emergence and the development of innovative technical solutions, for waste and effluent treatment and recovery scenarios by relying on solid professional skills in experimentation on both laboratory and demonstration scales.
With DataValor, INSAVALOR provides companies with advanced expertise in Data science, as well as the best machine learning and deep learning techniques to get the most value from their data.
DataValor offers tailored support to its industrial partners with solutions for all stages of their project (preliminary studies, feasibility studies and proof of concept, realization of ready-to-integrate software solutions), throughout the data life cycle.
Contact Person
Marie-Cécile BARRAS
PROVADEMSE equipment:
- Physicochemical laboratory: Percolation columns, waste and building materials leaching systems, analytical equipments...
- Ecotoxicology laboratory: Bio-tests (terrestrial and aquatic organisms), binocular microscopes and magnifiers …
- Pilot-scale assessment systems (experimental lysimeters, pilot systems of scenario behavior testing) and full-scale equipment (instrumented road boards)
- Pilot-scale treatment facilities: Thermal desorption, pyrolysis-gasification, composting and anaerobic digestion, extraction and washing pilot systems
Other equipment: Heavy capacity oven, shredders, sorting equipments...
PROVADEMSE covers the whole technical process, starting with on-site sampling and proceeding to support towards an industrial implementation. Our expertise allows us to provide concrete solutions in the following areas:
- Waste characterization and management
- Environmental assessment of materials integrating wastes or sediments for building or civil engineering
- Soil and sediment remediation
- Material recovery from waste
- Energy recovery from waste
- Industrial and territorial ecology
PROVADEMSE provides also support in Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
DATAVALOR services cover the following expertise:
- Data Science and Big Data
- Information search
- Data mining and visualization
- Data structuring
- Artificial intelligence
- Security and privacy
- Robotic
- Medical informatics