- Upper organisation
- Warsaw University of Technology
- Address
ul. Sw. A. Boboli 8
Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), founded in 1826, is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Central Europe and the largest university of technology in Poland. In the last two years the University won the first place among the 20 of universities of technology. WUT employs over 2500 academic teachers / researches. More than 30.000 students, at different levels study at WUT at 17 departments. Beside academic teaching WUT is very active and successful in research performed within: the University internal and statutory research, individual research projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (ap. 650 grants /year), contracted works commissioned by industrial companies, international co-operation on the basis of over 150 projects realized within 6th and 7th Framework Programmes and over 162 bilateral agreement.
The Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics (IMP), is a part of Faculty of Mechatronics at WUT. The main (internationally recognized) research activities includes: full-field optical metrology (interferometric, holographic, grid and speckle methods and tomography), optical sensing, photonics/optics devices and microsystems design and technologies, image processing and development of optical techniques for multimedia technologies, virtual and augmented reality applications (with strong optical sensing background). IMP owns modern laboratories incl. interferometric and holographic laboratory, optical methods of testing in experimental mechanics lab., spectroscopic laboratory, optical sensors lab, 3D/4D measurement lab. and virtual reality studio, clean room and optical workshop. IMP leads Photonics Engineering specialization (4th and 5th year of studies) and graduates 16-20 MSc students in Photonics Engineering each year. The research has also an international dimension through bilateral projects and cooperation in Europe and overseas (e.g. with Hewlett Packard, Volkswagen, Bosch, British Gas, NPL etc). IMP participates in 5 projects within EU 6FP and co-coordinate NoE in Micro-Optics NEMO. 33 employees are working in IMP: a key staff of 6 professors (3 of them are SPIE Fellows), 16 project bounded scientists and 11 technical and administrative staff. The Institute consists of lower-level entities - divisions.
Photonics Engineering Division (PED) specializes in full-field optical metrology methods and systems including interferometry, digital holography, single beam phase retrieval, optical diffraction tomography, digital image correlation and others with special focus on numerical procedures for data processing and interpretation. PED contributes significantly for development of concepts of holographic displays based on coherent and incoherent light illumination, creating full technology chain in digital holographic 3D/4D imaging and content rendering.
Virtual Reality Techniques Division (VRTD) develops new methods and devices for both virtual and augmented reality. These include input devices for acquisition and registration of real-world data into virtual environment, output techniques for better immersion in synthetic environment, devices and algorithms for human-computer and human-human interaction, research on quality of user interface and optical measurement methods based on incoherent light.
Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics
Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics
Contact Person
The Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics owns fully-equipped laboratories including interferometric and holographic laboratory, optical methods of testing in experimental mechanics laboratory, spectroscopic laboratory, optical sensors laboratory, 3D/4D measurement laboratory and virtual reality laboratory, a clean room and an optical workshop.
- Equipment Link
- Photonics Engineering Division webpage
Photonics is the Key Enabling Technology that is researched at the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics. The services we offer to the companies include but are not limited to:
- development of numerical algorithms supporting automatic fringe pattern analysis, iterative phase retrieval and tomographic reconstruction,
- development of novel measurement methods based on diffraction, propagation, interference and polarization of coherent and quasicoherent light,
- development of measurement and monitoring methods based on incoherent light,
- development of optical and photonics measurement systems incl. interferometric, digital holography, grating (moire) interferometry, optical diffraction tomography, and systems based on a single beam phase reconstruction methods,
- development of measurement systems based on digital image correlation method, thermovision techniques, structured light and “time-of-flight” methods,
- development of novel wide viewing angle 3D holographic displays with coherent and incoherent source of illumination,
- optical and numerical methods for content generation for holographic displays
- applications of full-field measurement methods in experimental mechanics, material engineering, civil engineering, art conservation and monitoring,
- development of input devices for acquisition, registration and introduction of real-world data into virtual environment,
- development of output devices for creation, visualization and immersion in synthetic environment,
- development of algorithms for virtual reality environment management,
- research on quality of user interface in virtual realities,
- research on human-computer and human-human interaction in relation to degree of user's “immersion” in virtual world,
- development of optical measurement techniques with application of incoherent light interferometry for examination of surface microtopography and layer structure of surface objects, spectroscopy methods and techniques in application for materials measurements and for detecting atmospheric content of health risk and deterioration agents.
The main development activities are: full-field, automated optical methods of testing, photonics and mechatronics devices design and technologies including conventional and shearing interferometers, moiré interferometers, electronic speckle pattern interferometry and digital holography, machine vision, structure light and moiré systems and their applications in industry, medicine, entertainment and virtual/augmented reality. The emphasis is put on the automation of the optical measurement systems and their application in industrial environment (solution by integration with loading machines and optical desensitising of interferometric systems), as well as on development of hybrid numerical-experimental methods (experiment/CAD/CAM/FEM) supporting mechanics and material engineering. Also activities connected directly to medical applications are constantly realized.
- Services Link
- Virtual Reality Techniques Division webpage
Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 Monitoring and control High precision processing & high-performance production (flexibility, productivity, precision and zero defect) Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Surface engineering and coatings Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) Heterogeneous components & more than Moore (MEMS, NEMS, sensors, transducers) Laser based applications Optical communication and networks, fibres, components & systems OtherOther activities
Virtual Reality;
Augmented Reality;
Image processing;
Quality control;
Optical measurement;
Medical informatics.