- Address
Albert Einstein
ITENE is an R&D technological centre specialising in packaging, logistics, transport and mobility. Its mission is to generate scientific and technological knowledge and to add value to companies through the implementation of R+D+I and through the transfer of knowledge as well as the dissemination of best practices from previous projects, in order to provide relevant information to interested entities in relevant sectors. ITENE provides business solutions with an integrated view of the supply chain, from raw materials, to design and development of packaging and packaging systems, optimisation of the movement and distribution of goods until the products reach the consumer and are ultimately managed as waste, all within a framework of sustainable performance. The centre has advanced facilities and a multidisciplinary team of researchers and technicians with proven experience and constantly evolving skills.
ITENE has more than 300 member companies representing different sectors of the packaging value chain: manufacturers, transport, services, users and waste management companies. Although it is located in Valencia (Spain), the centre has an international focus.
ITENE belongs to relevant technical platforms and institutions:
- LOGISTOP: Technical secretariat of Technology Platform of Integrated Logistics, Intermodality and Mobility
- PACKNET: Technical secretariat of Spanish Packaging Technology Platform
- Cluster E+E: Technical secretariat of Packaging Innovation Cluster, Comunidad Valenciana
- REDIT: Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Region
- Cluster City Logistics Valencia,
- Hispack, International Packaging Show. ITENE is a member of the organising committee.
- IAPRI. International Association of Packaging Research Institutes. ITENE is a member of the board of IAPRI and is the coordinator of the IAPRI Research Networking Group.
- The ISTA European Packaging Symposium. ITENE is a member of the organising committee.
- ALICE. European Technological Platform of Innovation in Logistics. ITENE participates actively in the development of the Strategic Research Agenda and is co-chair of the Urban Logistics group.
- The SAVE FOOD initiative aims to encourage dialogue on food losses between industry, research, politicians and civil society.
- FOOD FOR LIFE. Spanish Food Technology Platform. ITENE participates in different working groups.
ITENE - Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística /// Packaging, Transport & Logistics Centre
ITENE - Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística /// Packaging, Transport & Logistics Centre
Contact Person
ITENE uses 7,000 square metres of its installations as laboratories and experimentation facilities, equipped with the latest technology for research and testing, and product and services development. R&D activities are carried out in the following laboratories: Nano Additives and Nano Clay Pilot Plant, New Material Processing Pilot Plant, Nano Safety Laboratory, Chemical Laboratory, Physical Laboratory, Packaging Manufacturing Pilot Plant, Packaging Pilot Plant, Microbiology Laboratory, Packaging Evaluation Laboratory, Transport Simulation Centre, RFID Pilot Plant, and Packaging Waste Pilot Plant.
More detailed information of the infraestructure related to KETS:
-Processing lab.: hydraulic press, mini-extruder and mini-injector DSM, twin-screw extruder compounder, cast co-extruder, injection moulding machine, rotary coater.
-Physical and chemical laboratory: Liquid chromatographs coupled to detectors (MS, PDA, UV-vis, LS, fluorescence), Thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to infrared, Infrared Spectrometer, Gas chromatographs coupled to detectors (MS, MS/MS, TOF, FID and TCD), Differential Scanning Calorimeter and Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer.
- Pilot Plant: Different capacity reactors and centrifuges
- Materials processing pilot plant: Extruders, coextruders, compounders, lamination, spraying equipment and a coating line.
- Microbiological laboratory: Class II Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinet, incubators.
- Environment laboratory: LCA software SimaPro, Statgraphics and Multipack-Multimix.
- Equipment Link
- ITENE facilities
We work for every sector where packaging, transport and logistics represent a strong competitive advantage:
· Manufacturers of Raw materials
· Materials for packaging
· Packaging Manufacturers
· Food and beverage
· Cosmetics and personal care
· chemical industry
· Pharmacy
· Waste managers
· Distribution and consumer goods
· Transport and logistics operators
Our research area covers:
- New Advanced Materials (Development strategies to obtain new packaging materials with better properties)
- Active & Intelligent Packaging (Materials that release active substances from the packaging or absorb undesirable substances from the product to prolong the shelf life)
- Packaging Technologies (vacuum, modified atmosphere)
- Packaging Engineering (Transport simulation technologies)
- Sustainability (Waste valorisation, LCA, LCC, Carbon Footprint)
- Transport and Logistics (routs optimization, distribution modelling, urban mobility)
- Services Link
- ITENE Services