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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems
Academic Institution

Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme

Upper organisation
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Industriestraße, 38c


The Chair of Production Systems (LPS) at the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB), conducts research in the fields of production automation, production management, production services and industrial robotics. In addition, the LPS is a state-of-the-art learning factory or Learning and Research Factory (LFF, for the implementation and evaluation of Industrie 4.0 research results in a practical factory environment. The LPS Learning and Research Factory is a place for research, teaching, qualification and industrial cooperation. It is equipped with modern laboratories, machine tools, industrial robots and measuring technology.

The technology center "LPS Learning and Research Factory (LFF)" focuses on apllication-oriented research in cooperation with industrial partners as well es industry transfer and made-to-order production. 

Developments in focus an the following areas:

  • smart product-service systems
  • Ring rolling
  • Incremental sheet
  • metal forming
  • Additive manufacturing
  • with robots
  • Automated instalment
  • of pliable parts with robots
  • Digital twin for resource
  • efficient manufacturing
  • Manual assembly lines
  • Assistance systems
  • (AR, mobile devices, HRC, etc.)
  • AI application in factory operations

At the same time companies especially SME are invited to the LFF to participate in LabTours, informations workshops or even qualification seminars. The LFF is part of the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Siegen ( Next to the mentioned seminars SME have also the opportunity to request for help with smaller digitization projects. 

We are also part of numerous networks, such as the EIT Manufacturing ( or  the plattform I4.0.

The didactic concept of our seminars is based on the holisitic approach of learning factories which allow an action- and problemsolving based learning approach. Participants of our free events can not only look at demonstrator but experience an real factory environment and they can try out technologies and methods within real manufacturing processes. 

The LPS/LFF is also co-founder of the IALF (International Association of Learning Factories, Members of the IALF focus on an scientific and acedemic exchange and therefore foster the cooperation between its members to reach excellence in teaching and research in the field of manufacturing engineering through learning factories. 


Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme

Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme

Contact Person

Christopher Prinz
Academic Advisor
0049 234 32 26866


The LFF is equipped with a wide range of conventional lathes and milling machines, CNC cutting machines, automated robot cells, industrial robot systems and manual assembly lines as well as numerous measuring machines.

More information on the LFF can be found here


The LFF basically provides different services

  • training (lean management and digitilization in manufacturing processes)
  • seminars for SME
  • protoyping
  • development 
  • testing

Service for Industry and SMEs


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