- Address
Avenida Leonardo Da Vinci, 48
Parque Tecnológico de Paterna
46980Paterna (Valencia)V
REDIT accounts for 11 associated technology centres that offer a wide range of R&D&I advanced services addressed to business, especially SMEs, which need the support of external agents to innovate: R&D&I lines, laboratories for analysis, tests and advanced investigation, technology watch and competitive intelligence.
REDIT joins, integrates and represents these Technology Institutes, which are a model in the public – private collaboration and which aspire to the international excellence and leadership in R&D&I and support the competitiveness of businesses through innovation.
The centres have become the main technology allies for many companies in order to innovate, transfer technology and apply knowledge and technologies.
- AIDIMME: Metal-Processing, Wood and Furniture Technology Centre.
- AIJU: Toys, Children’s and Leisure Products Technology Centre.
- AIMPLAS: Plastics Technology Centre
- AINIA: Food Technology Centre
- AITEX: Textile Technology Centre
- IBV: Biomechanics Technology Centre
- INESCOP: Footwear Technology Centre
- ITC: Ceramics Technology Centre
- ITE: Energy Technology Centre
- ITENE: Packaging, Transport and Logistics Technology Centre
- ITI: Informatics Technology Centre
REDIT - Network of Technological Centres of Valencia Region
REDIT - Network of Technological Centres of Valencia Region
Contact Person
REDIT centres have an extensive infrastructure offered to the SMEs:
- More than 100,000 m2 dedicated to R&D&i
- More than 100 laboratories
- 20 Technological Observatories, on the Market and Trends
- Equipment Link
- REDIT equipment
REDIT´s mission consists of contributing to the regional, national and international recognition of the Technology Institutes as a model of efficient organization in the Science, Technology and Enterprise System.
REDIT´s vision is to become the organism that joins, integrates and represents the technology centres, which are a model in the public – private collaboration and which, individually and collectively, aspire to the international excellence and leadership in R&D&I and support the competitiveness of businesses through innovation.
The Network mainly supplies services to the existing sectors of the Valencian Region and emerging horizontal technologies: ceramics, building, wood, furniture, packaging and related industries, optics, colour and imaging, toys, metal mechanics, plastics, agro-food, textile, biomechanics, footwear, energy, packaging, transport and logistics, computing.
The services provided by REDIT centres are:
- Knowledge and expertise for R & D & innovation projects
- Innovation support services
- Technology transfer
- Promotion of technologies
- Prospective and technology watch
- Laboratory essays and testing
- Technical training
- Sectoral analysis and reports
- Support to standardization and certification
- Information service
- Services Link
- REDIT Services