- Upper organisation
- Address
Institut FEMO-ST
15B avenue des Montboucons
MIMENTO is the member of French National network in micro & nanotechnologies, called Renatech, coordinated by the CNRS. MIMENTO is also the technology center of FEMTO-ST Institute, located at Besançon, France. MIMENTO is a state-of-the-art facility for micro and nanofabrication facility housed in its 860 m2 clean room, equipped with modern and powerful processing machines.
Mimento is pecialized in micro-nano-acoustics, micro-nano-optics and micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems. The R&D activity at MIMENTO follows the main points described below:
-Technological research: micro- and nano-structures for research in physics, chemistry and biology, microstructures for the characterization of new materials.
-Manufacturing processes: new manufacturing processes in silicon and other materials (lithium niobate, glass, piezolectric materials), new processes for microelectronics, silicon post-processing.
-Integration and encapsulation techniques for microsystems.
The clean room, open to all users, is managed by a staff of engineers and technicians, specialists in microtechnologies who guarantee the availability of processing equipment, evaluate, install and operate processing equipment, train the users, develop new processes and improve the existing ones, and assist users with technical advice. The users of MIMENTO are researchers, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and industrials. All activity in the clean room is invoiced on the basis of hourly processing rate.
Contact Person
MIMENTO clean room provides eight working areas:
-photolithography ((laser pattern generator, spray and spin coaters, single & double side aligners),
-thin-film deposition (evaporation, sputtering, piezoelectric deposition cluster, PECVD, thermal oxidation, etc..)
-plasma etching (Silicon DRIE and RIE, quartz & niobate & glass DRIE, different RIEs),
-wet processes (electrodeposition, wet etch for Si, quartz, niobate, metals, etc.., porous silicon, …)
-packaging and 3D integration (wafer bonders,wire-bonder, flip-chip, megasonic cleaner, plasma activation,…)
-dicing and polishing (high precision dicer with cut&polish, wafer polishing)
-nanotechnology (FIB, E-beam lithography)
characterization tools.
- Equipment Link
- Link to the detailed list of equipments
We offer:
-the technological service with an open access to the processing equipment available in clean room the the -the research support for E&D and research projects with the most advanced know-how in microtechnology
-the client-oriented advices with identification of relevant technological solutions
-the technological services on demand and
-the on-site training capabilities for users.
The access to the equipment is done via a reservation software with personal ID and password in the clean room. Only people who have followed a training done by staff member can use the equipments. Several industrial partners are directly processing in our clean room. Several industrial boxes are available for renting.
- Services Link
- Link to the services