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- Address
Via IV Novembre, 156
Seamthesis Srl is a privately owned R&D and Competence Center as well as Research Body and Innovative Start-up based in Italy, highly specialized in metallic and non-metallic materials, fabrication processes and production technology, advanced characterization and performance assessment of products and systems. Found in 2013 by R&D experts, as the crown of more than total 200 years worldwide activity in the Industry R&D and international R&D centers, Seamthesis has been developing to include (among its competencies and know-how):
- Alloy design of metal and non-metal alloys, intermetallics, ceramics and refractories, advanced polymers, nanostructured materials and functional materials (e.g. graphene)
- Material production and characterization at the lab level in small, medium and large-scale conditions
- New fabrication processes and production technologies, including post-processing, in a full through-process approach
- Turnkey solutions deployment at client’s industrial site and tailoring
- Application Engineering (e.g. energy, transport, aerospace, biomedical, industrial & mechanics)
- Specialist training and formation.
As an RTO (as per its Articles of Incorporation) and Innovative start-up (as per EU and national law) Seamthesis Srl is able to bring its customers significant financial benefits from committed activities on job (in Italy and Europe). As a Research Body, it brings its customers tax benefits under the form of tax credit (50% of incremental expenditure amount in R&D), as well as increased grant levels (typically up to 15%) in co-funded R&D projects at the regional, national and EU level. In many cases only the presence of a Research Body and Innovative Start-up can make a project proposal eligible for R&D funding. As an innovative Start-up, it brings its partners incremental discounts making use of its own specialized personnel, under the form of reduced social costs on labor taxes, as well as to its shareholders as internal fiscal benefits (under the form of labor tax discounts), fundamental and strategic to unbind financial resources for investments in R&D tools (e.g. SW, HW, equipment) and human factor. As a prime actor of the regional, national and EU Funding initiatives (e.g. H2020), Seamthesis is able to assist customers and partners to identify technical and financial needs for R&D and Innovation, select the proper financial tool and technical solution, along the whole application stage, till the execution, validation and deployment steps, including assistance for patents submission and intellectual Property Rights protection (in cooperation with first-class legal offices specialized in national and international lndustrial Law).
Since its origin, Seamthesis Srl has been actively operating in the following sectors:
- Power Generation (including Renewable and Nuclear)
- Oil&Gas (Upstream, Midstream, Downstream & Refinery)
- Aeronautics and Space
- Automotive (light and heavy vehicles) and Surface Transportation (i.e. railway, naval)
- Defense and Dual Technologies (e.g. military / civil applications)
- Industrial and Mechanical systems
- Metals & Mine
- Biomedical
- Food&Beverage
- Energy Efficiency
- Advanced manufacturing technologies
- Industry 4.0
- Integrated Automation, Process&Quality Control, Sensoring and Monitoring
Since the beginning of 2014 SEAMTHESIS has identified Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing as one if the main industrial field where to apply and specialize its own competences and expertise, mainly coming from the Metal Industry, in order to become a key player in the development and consolidation of the AM industry in EU. All initiatives taken by SEAMTHESIS in this new business, first of all (but not exclusively) the foundation of NUMANOVA in partnership with ITALEAF, more recently the HOWMAT national cluster for AM, are part of this long-term strategy. Nowadays SEAMTHESIS is well known by all the main 3D print makers in EU (EOS, Renishaw, Arcam, Concept Laser, SLM Solutions) and many national industries and Bodies, with many of which specific agreements and/or running cooperation are active or at the closing stage. To support this strategy, SEAMTHESIS has been rapidly specializing and redirecting its internal resources and NoE to cover the entire AM Value Chain, from new material design to mother alloy production using innovative technologies (e.g. PAM and EB), from gas-atomization processes to plasma-atomization to advanced material characterization, from printing routes to material rheology, from product modeling to performance assessment. SEAMTHESIS is the only non-corporate Engineering Centre in Italy to have the know-how to concept and fully design customized fluid-atomization plants for metal powders for industrial applications (fluid=air, water, gas, steam).SEAMTHESIS’ ambition and Company’s mission is to become a reference Competence Center in the international PM+AM scenario and an example of EU footprint in the PM&AM arena. Internationalization of the Company and its market is another fully complementary target, fundamental to reach the main goal.
Seamthesis Srl
Seamthesis Srl
Contact Person
Many simulation codes and tools, both commercial and proprietary (home-made), for FEM/FEA, CAD/CAM, CFD (Comuputational Fluid-Dynamics) and finite differences modeling and analysis
HPC (High Power Computing) capacity, also for parallel calculation
N.1 EOS M290 DMLS-type 3D printing machine (metal powder)
N.1 CREATBOT 3D printing machine (plastics and techno-polymers)
Small metallographic laboratory for optical analysis, preparation and hardness intentation tests
- Equipment Link
- Seamthesis
Main services provided to SMEs', Industry, Public and Government Institutions; R&D Centres and Universities, Engineering companies:
1) metallurgy and material science (from alloy design to prototyping, from base characterization to performance assessment in real conditions, scaling up to industrial maturity and deployment, failure analysis)
2) simulation and modeling, both (new) materials, products and processes
3) development and deployment of new / innovative production technologies and related processes
4) training (room/frontal, on-the-job, in-field), publication and dissemination
5) Application Engineering (automotive, railway and naval; aerospace; oil&gas; power generation (fossil, renewable and nuclear); metals&mines; mechanics and industrial; bioengineering; luxury and fashion; food&beverage)
6) Additive Manufacturing technologies and Powder Metallurgy
7) Surface Engineering (including cladding)
8) Patenting (and IPR-related issues).
Seamthesis’ main core competences and know-how is in:
- Materials Science and Metallurgy (e.g. physical metallurgy, alloy design, product development), including prototype production at the lab scale for further transformation, post-processing and qualification
- CFD, FEM, process simulation and material modeling (at all production stage and level, also on-site industrial)
- Steelmaking, Secondary Metallurgy, Solidification and Casting, Materials deformation and rheology,
- Quality and Process Control, Automation (including Big Data analysis, sensoring and monitoring)
- Welding, Joining, Cladding (e.g. TIG, laser, EB)
- Corrosion and tenso-corrosion
- Tribology and wear, material rheology
- High temperature chemistry
- Surface Engineering and Coatings (e.g. PVD, CVD, HVOF, PTA)
- Powder Metallurgy, Polymers and Ceramics Additive Manufacturing (metals, non-metals and polymers)
- Other powder-related routes (e.g. HIP, MIM), including post-processing (e.g. sieving, blending, packaging)
- Advanced material characterization (raw material, intermediate and finished products)
- Product qualification and component performance assessment modeling and small-to-full scale experiments)
- Component prototyping (via Additive Manufacturing or conventional routes)
- (New) Production routes development and qualification
- Project management along the whole Supply Chain, along with the process (through-process), including in-line presence, quality inspection, specification preparation
- CAD/CAM, ready-to-produce drawings, reporting, etc.
- Energy Efficiency & Environmental Engineering
- Services Link
- Seamthesis
Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 High performance computing Additive manufacturing High precision processing & high-performance production (flexibility, productivity, precision and zero defect) Industrial materials (incl. catalysts, membranes, adhesives, filters) High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Materials for energy storage and generation Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Surface engineering and coatings Nanowires and tubes Laser based applications OtherOther activities
Computational Fluid Dynamics, complex FEM/FEA, rheology, alloy design, steelmaking, energy efficiency, environmental pollution study and reduction