- Address
Dimičeva ulica 12
ZAG (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute) is a public, non-profit, state owned body. It is leading Slovenian Institute in the field of building and civil engineering and is an internationally recognized research organization. Its main activities include fundamental and applied research, development of new methods of testing and measurement, certification and attestation of conformity of products, training of research and technical staff in particular technical fields, participation in the preparation of technical codes and standards. Main research focus is put on:
- synthesis of new materials (organo-inorganic composites, materials for restoration of the cultural heritage, nano self-cleaning coatings,...),
- recycling and assessments of secondary raw materials in construction sector (e.g. industrial waste, C&D waste, municipal waste, mining waste etc.),
- degradation processes (corrosion of metals, degradation processes in stone, concrete and ceramics, freezing, degradation of structures and structural elements in service, microbial deterioration,...)
- Building-physics processes regarding heat, humidity and noise in the built environment
- energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
- LCA analysis and sustainable evaluation of buildings
- earthquake engineering (seismic behavior - experimental and analytical evaluation, numerical modelling, seismic risk assessments, seismic strengthening),
- development, maintenance and testing of road infrastructure,
- exploring, adapting and testing cutting-edge technologies for road and railway asset monitoring and maintenance.
- Fire engineering, research and testing for – buildings and marine
- Environmental technologies in built environment (e.g. water remediation, soil remediation)
- Circular economy, industry symbiosis and zero waste approach (the latter being with extraction of economic raw materials before final use of residues in construction sector).
ZAG provides to industry and SMEs its research capacities as well as certification activities, testing and attestation of conformity in the field of construction products and systems of factory production control.
Our research is focused on the development of new materials and technologies that will help ensure sustainable development in Slovenia, as well as being of importance for the worldwide community. Participation in international projects makes it possible for ZAG's researchers to be in contact and share knowledge with top research groups from around the world. We perform mostly applied research activities. Our areas of expertise are:
- buildings,
- bridges,
- dams,
- roads,
- railways,
- cableway installations,
- transmissions and other towers,
- tunnels and underground structures,
- natural disasters and other kinds of emergencies (earthquakes, landslides, fire, storms).
ZAG is a notified body for the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and the Slovenian representative in the Advisory Group of Notified Bodies (AGNB). ZAG'S certification body was, already in 2003, accredited as the first such body for the certification of construction products in Slovenia. As an Authorized Body for Technical Approvals (now a Body for Technical Assessments and Approvals) ZAG is also a member of EOTA, the European Organization for Technical Assessments.
ZAG is one of the most active members of ENBRI, the European Network of Building Research Institutes, and FEHRL, the Forum of European National Highway Research Centres.
ZAG frequently acts as a link between different branches of Slovenian industry and international research, and thus can provide direct contacts between Slovenian enterprises and the most advanced technologies in different sectors of the construction industry. This can be seen clearly in ZAG's participation on the following technological platforms: ECTP (the European Construction Technology Platform), ERTRAC (the European Road Transport Research Council), and E2BA (Energy Efficient Buildings) and EIT RawMaterials.
ZAG is a member of the following organizations:
- CEN- European Committee for Standardization
- ECTP - The European Construction Technology Platform
- EGOLF - European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing, Inspection and Certification
- EIT RawMaterials - European Institute of Innovation and Technology
- ENBRI - European Network of Building Research Institutes
- EOTA - European Organisation for Technical Assessments
- EURNEX - EUropean rail Research Network of EXcellence
- FEHRL - Forum of Europe's National Road Research Centres
- ISWIM – International Society for Weigh-in-motion
- PIARC - The World Road Association
- RILEM - International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures
- UIC - International Union of Railways
Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije
Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije
Contact Person
ZAG comprises 15 laboratories and sections, equipped with advanced laboratory infrastructure which provides quality performance in individual fields of activity.
ZAG is fully equipped for testing on nano-scale as well as for testing of structural elements in full-scale. More information on the equipment can be obtained on our website: http://www.zag.si/en/equipment
Some of the most important equipment is:
- Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM)
- Optical microscopes, including confocal microscope,
- X-ray computed microtomography (MicroXCT400, XRadia) and 3D image analysis tool AVIZO (FEI)
- Empyrean X-ray diffractometer, manufactured by PANalytical
- Thermo Scientific ARL PERFORM'X WD XRF spectrometer
- Micromeritics ASAP 2020 gas adsorber
- Micromeritics AutoPore IV mercury porosimeter
- Isothermal Calorimeter TAM Air 3 and 8, TA Instruments
- Reometer Physica MCR 302, Anton Paar
- Raman spectrometer Horiba Jobin Yvon labret HR800
- Advanced TOpometric Sensor (ATOS I)
- Bishop & Wesley hydraulic (Bellofram) triaxial cell
- Large-scale direct shear test apparatus
- Strong floor 10 m × 10 m with reaction wall 6 m x 7 m with a capacity 1000kN/m2
- Multichannel servo-hydraulic test controller MTS FlexTest 100 with a range of dynamic rated actuators from 16 kN with +/-125 mm stroke up to 1000 kN and +/-500 mm stroke
- Two digital image correlation systems GOM Aramis: standard 5M and highspeed HS
- Calorimetric chamber for U and g value measurements.
- Cone calorimeter coupled to FTIR for fire research and smoke toxicity measurements
- Hg porosimetry and gas sorption
- X-Ray Diffractometer
- X-Ray Fluorescence
- Equipment Link
- ZAG equipment
ZAG provides research activities (development, prototyping and testing) through national and international research projects as well as through research for direct end-users.
ZAG provides certification and technical assessments and approvals services.
The Certification Service performs the following activities (more info available at http://www.zag.si/en/certifikati-soglasja/certification-service ):
• certification of products and factory production control in the fields of obligatory and voluntary,
• certification of construction products,
• certification of other products in the regulated or voluntary field,
• voluntary certification of various processes and services,
• voluntary certification of executed works.
The Service for Technical Assessments performs the following activities (more info available at http://www.zag.si/en/certifikati-soglasja/service-for-technical-assessments-and-approvals :
• granting European technical assessments (ETA),
• granting Slovenian technical approvals (STS)
• issuing Environmental product declarations (EPD).
Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Industrial materials (incl. catalysts, membranes, adhesives, filters) High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Surface engineering and coatings OtherOther activities
building and civil engineering