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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems
Academic Institution

wbk - Institute of Production Science

Upper organisation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

RIntheimer Querallee 2
Building 70.41


As one of the German universities of excellence, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is one of the most innovative technical research institutions in Europe. With its approximately 140 employees, the wbk Institute of Production Science places particular emphasis on basic and application-oriented research, teaching, and innovation. With the aim of rapid technology transfer to industrial applications, the wbk researches innovative production technologies, methods and processes in its three areas "Manufacturing and Materials Technology", " Machines, Equipment and Process Automation" and "Production Systems" together with industrial partners.

In the context of volatile markets, increasing individualization and the growing importance of a circular economy, the focus is on the following competencies:

  • Agile production systems: variants: and unit-quantity-flexible production of goods at high-wage sites
  • Kinematic production: replacement of special machines by the use of universal kinematics to map entire value streams
  • Reversible production: production systems for bidirectional production
  • Automation of immature processes: Method for rapid maturation of still immature manufacturing processes by combining artificial intelligence and domain knowledge
  • Intelligent machines and components: Development of intelligent machine (components) on the way to autonomous machine tools.


wbk - Institute of Production Science

wbk - Institute of Production Science

Contact Person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer
Director of Machines, Equipment and Process Automation
+49 721 608-44009


Trainings on the topics:
- Production of electric drives (Fit4E)
- Production of batteries and fuel cells (Fit4E)
- Cloud and edge computing
- Machine Learning

Industry projects on, for example, the following topics:
- Preliminary studies
- PoC creation
- Prototype design and construction
- Automation of processes



Energy efficient technologies for heating, ventilation or air conditioning Hydrogen Batteries, fuel cells Recycling and waste management technologies Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Robotics Additive manufacturing Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Monitoring and control Human machine interaction Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Virtual Reality Artificial intelligence & Big Data Deep learning Signal sensing Smart control, decision management Video / image processing Data analytics (predictive analysis, in-memory analytics, network analysis, advanced cluster analysis) IoT Advanced sensor technologies Edge computing Industrial robots

Service for Industry and SMEs


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