- Address
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, 14
The CCG/ZGDV Institute is a private non-profit association ("Associação CCG/ZGDV – Centro de Computação Gráfica") that started its activity in 1993 and is currently based in Guimarães, Portugal.
It is formally recognized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Portuguese as an R&I (Research and Innovation) institution of Public Utility, by the Ministry of Economy as a Technology and Innovation Centre and by the Foundation for Science and Technology as part of the ALGORITMI Research Centre (the first Research Centre formally recognized in Portugal in the field of Information and Communication Technologies), which is why the CCG/ZGDV Institute is today considered a national reference institution in technological research, applied to the digital transformation of organizations.
Endowed with a multidisciplinary, dynamic team with scientific-technological skills, the CCG/ZGDV Institute integrates four Departments of research and innovation in the areas of computer graphics, ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction and information engineering, which combine refined scientific skills in artificial intelligence and information visualization with excellent skills for prototyping and development of complex computational solutions, offering services to the companies and institutions actuating in sectors as diverse as the software industry, the industrial process and capital goods industry, the defense and aeronautics industry, the forestry industry and precision agriculture, the circular economy and energy, health and the environment, smart cities and urban mobility, e-governance, creative industries and tourism, Education and Cultural Heritage.
CCG/ZGDV's Mission is:
With a focus on applied research in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies, the CCG/ZGDV Institute's mission is to enhance the growth and innovation of companies, entities and the economy in general, responding to the emerging challenges of the global market, while contributing to the implementation of public policies, such as those for the green and digital transition.
To completely achieve its mission, CCG/ZGDV institute promotes, among other:
- The knowledge creation and its transference, in the form of innovative prototypes of products, while enabling new businesses or processes for industry.
- The constant update and certification of its internal organization, processes and procedures, following the state of the art in quality standards and regulations, recognized in both the research and industry worlds.
- The best environment, both in terms of working conditions and equipment and laboratories, for its researchers to work as a team and better develop the skills necessary to achieve the technological change and innovation.
- The continuous training and re-skilling of its researchers and the peer-reviewed publication of applied research projects results.
- The establishment of strategic partnerships, forming networks for applied research, in particular those oriented for R&D activities aiming at rendering innovation that responds to the needs of modernization and competitiveness of multiple sectors of industry.
CCG/ZGDV's main Values:
- Cooperation: the best results come from cooperation between teams, partners and customers.
- Ethics and Responsibility (social, economic and environmental): rigor in work and respect for society, people and planet.
- Motivation: essential for all challenges to be successfully executed.
- Commitment: pursuit of excellence in all activities.
- Quality: present in the services provided.
Details about the services (mostly) provided for SME companies can be found in this section of the webportal.
Since the foundation, the CCG/ZGDV institute has been strategically participating and integrating associations, alliances and networks, benefiting and contributing from the joining of forces and share and complementarity of skills, expertise and resources, for faster achievement of the objective of being an institute of excellence, while contributing for the innovation in the respective sectors. Some examples are:
- Cluster Textil : Portuguese Textile Cluster is a sectoral support structure whose main purpose is to stimulate processes of interaction, articulation, collaboration and information sharing within the economic aggregate itself, acting in a way that is supplementary to the performance of its own as an instrument of obtaining increments of competitiveness for innovation and internationalization, in a logic of collective efficiency.
- Health Cluster Portugal: the Portuguese Association for the Health technologies industry Cluster.
- PRODUTECH: is an articulated network of manufacturing technology providers capable of responding to both competitiveness and sustainability challenges and to the manufacturing industry’s requirements with innovative, flexible, integrated and competitive solutions.
- Tice.PT: The Portuguese Cluster of institutions and companies actuating in the sector of information, communication and electronics technologies.
- AED Cluster Portugal: the Portuguese association of companies and institutions actuating in the sectors of aeronautics, Space and Defense. Aims at promoting the advancement and consolidation of Portugal as an international reference on the Aeronautics, Space and Defence global industries.
- Mobinov - Cluster Automóvel: the Portuguese association aggregating knowledge and competence within the automotive industry, with the aim of promoting an increasing enhancement of competitiveness and internationalization of the sector. On the other hand, it aims to contribute to turning Portugal into a reference in research, innovation, design, development, manufacturing and testing of products and services in the automotive industry.
- MDevNet: The National Network for the Transfer of Knowledge on Medical Devices aims to valorise the knowledge developed by entities of the R&I system on technology-based medical devices through effective technology transfer processes to the industry.
- PROCHILD – Collaborative laboratory : association aiming at developing a strategy against child poverty and social exclusion, framed in a transdisciplinary scientific approach, articulating the public and private sectors, promoting children’s well-being both at the economic and social interface and contributing to public policies to stand upon their rights.
- DTX – Digital Transformation Colaborative Laboratory: is a non-profit private association, that carries out its activity doing applied research in different areas linked to digital transformation.
- PRODUTECH Digital Innovation Hub: DIH oriented to promote the digitalization of the manufacturing industry, through an intervention directed to production technologies and leveraging the role they assume in the digital transformation of the industry. Its member of the EDIH network, co-funded by the EC.
- DIGI4FASHION: aims to be a national reference for the textile, clothing, footwear and leather goods fashion sector, in the support, dissemination and adoption of advanced digital technologies by companies.
- DigiHealthPT : DIH aimed at supporting digital transformation in the Health sector, namely in the Smart Health and eHealth segment.
- GraphicsVision.ai : CCG/ZGDV institute is among the founding members of GraphicsVision.ai, the main international network of applied research centres in computer graphics, multimedia technologies and visual interaction technologies. More information about this network may be found at the official webportal.
- NEM – New European Media: the European Technology Platform aiming at fostering the convergence between consumer electronics, broadcasting and telecoms, dealing with Connected, Converging and Interactive Media & Creative Industries, driving the future of digital experience.
- NESSI : the European Technology Platform aiming to enable the software and services sector to help vitalize the great potential of the European economy and society.
- Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation: aim to lead, promote, bridge and collaborate in IoT and Edge Computing and other converging technologies research and innovation, standardisation and ecosystem building, providing IoT and Edge Computing deployment for European businesses creating benefits for European society.
- BDVA – Big Data Value Association: is an industry-driven organisation with a mission to develop an innovation ecosystem that enables the data-driven digital transformation of the economy and society in Europe.
Associação CCG/zgdv - Centro de Computação Gráfica
Associação CCG/zgdv - Centro de Computação Gráfica
Contact Person
Luis Almeida
The CCG/ZGDV institute has its own facilities equipped with work posts and laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, in which the researchers from its four R&D departments carry out development, prototyping and experimentation activities of innovative solutions to respond to the challenges posed by customers and partners.
In particular, CCG/ZGDV institute is equipped with:
- seven Open Spaces offering excellent working conditions and equipment in which the collaboration and creative interactions among the researchers and respective skills are potentiated for successful innovation.
- Laboratory dedicated for testing innovative technologies for mobility and autonomous driving and respective user studies.
- Laboratory dedicated for Immersive and virtual environments user studies, equipped with large projection systems, state-of-the art motion capture systems, audio projection and capture systems, etc .
- Auditorium with +60 seats, 3D projection system and surround sound system, for medium scale events, such as workshops, seminars, dissemination events, etc…
- One datacenter equipped with servers, virtualization solutions and software to support the CCG/ZGDV R&D activities and provision of services.
- Meeting Rooms equipped with the necessary conditions and equipment for productive collaborative/interactive meetings and remote participation using videoconference tools.
- Areas and Spaces, with dedicated equipment, for demonstrations and presentation of solutions and technologies for visitors, clients, partners, etc.
- Equipment Link
- http://www.ccg.pt
The CCG/ZGDV Institute has an extensive experience in providing innovation services for digital economy.
Technological Innovation Consulting: Works to provide a management of technological innovation of excellence, meeting the best solutions for partners and customers, through the preparation of studies, R&I projects, development of technological skills and monitoring and structuring of business models, according to existing needs.
Research and Development under Contract: Promotion of Research and Innovation R&I activities oriented to the needs of the global market, in response to new scientific and technological challenges, in the fields of computer graphics, ubiquitous computing, human-machine interaction and information engineering.
Laboratory Services: Offering a range of specialized services to support testing, testing, inspection, certification, and accredited verification or validation within the scope of software certification (including LabCert certification or internationally recognized compliance certifications).
Business Training and Specialized Training: Promoting business capacity building and the sharing and transfer of knowledge between researchers and employees of organizations, focused on the scientific and technological skills of the CCG/ZGDV and its recipient sectors.
IT Service Management: Specialized technical assistance.
- Services Link
- Link for CCG/ZGDV's services.