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Location of Technology Centres

Josef Stefan Institute

AIMEN Technology Centre

LEITAT Technological Center

CeADAR: Ireland's Centre for AI and Applied Data Analytics

Associação CCG/zgdv - Centro de Computação Gráfica

Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (Fraunhofer IWU)

Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja

ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática

Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI)

Insight Centre for Data Analytics

Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics

Confirm| Smart Manufacturing Research Centre

Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV)

NAITEC - Automotive and Mechatronics Technology Centre

Intemac Solutions, s.r.o.


I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

Irish Manufacturing Research

Software Technologies and Engineering Institute (ITIS Software) (ITIS Software)

Walton Institute

TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (German Water Centre)


Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia (GRADIANT)

Hochschule Mittweida University of Applied Sciences

KTU National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre

Vilnius University

AIR Institute

JYVSECTEC - Jyväskylä Security Technology

fortiss GmbH

Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM


IHP - Leibniz Institute for high performance microelectronics

Centre of Intelligent Asset Management

Cybernetica AS

Centro de Interface Tecnológico Industrial (CiTin)

Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB) of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

inLab FIB – UPC

Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI-UPC)

Results (39)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 39