- Address
ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
UPV - 8G - Camino de Vera s/n
Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI) is a Spanish private Research & Technology organization located in Valencia, Spain. ITI is a Competence Centre in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), established in 1994. ITI is also the coordinator of the Data Cycle Hub (https://thedatacyclehub.com/), which is the reference one-stop shop DIH in the Valencia region to foster data driven and artificial intelligence-based innovation. The objective is to bridge the gap between research and industry, specifically SMEs, providing innovative solutions and services that require advanced data analytics, automatic learning and artificial intelligence.
ITI Research and Innovation activity is developed by a team of more than 200 technologists (researchers and technicians), and is focused on 6 main digital enablers around the DATA CYCLE, primarily Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, but also other key digital enabling technologies like Cyber Physical Systems, IoT, Cloud and High Performance Computing Platforms or Statistics Optimization.
With a combination of all these enablers, ITI is providing solutions to different domains: a) IT industry, b) Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), c) Society (Health 4.0, Tourism, Cities, Buildings), d) Transport and e) Agriculture 4.0.
All this activity confers ITI the possibility to give the following offer: Access to infrastructure and technology platforms, Access to specialist expertise on digitisation & applications, Collaborative research for Industry needs, Demonstrate best practices, Training and Education, Showcase technologies in pilot factories, fab-labs, Support experimentation in real-life environments.
Specially in Data Technologies, ITI has a long history. Founding member of BDVA in 2014, active member in lighthouse projects like Transforming Transport (https://transformingtransport.eu/) and Bigmedilytics (https://www.bigmedilytics.eu/), key player in BDVe (https://www.big-data-value.eu/) or coordinator of Industrial Data Platforms like DataPorts (https://dataports-project.eu/), and two EUHubs4Data, which will give ITI & ITI Data Space the privilege of founding the federation of Big Data Innovation Hubs in Europe.
ITI provides a Data Space, which is a common infrastructure that facilitates a safe and reliable environment for the development of projects that require Big Data, IA and HPC. Access to open and private data sources that allow realistic simulations is also facilitated and the dissemination of knowledge and good practices that promote the use of enabling technologies is encouraged.
In the user side, ITI has established strong connections to the main association of companies in Valencia Region, and is closely linked to the Regional Development Agency - IVACE (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness), and has been working with it in the creation of the Valencia Region RIS3 strategy since the beginning.
Regarding the ITI’s network outreach, ITI is member of several National and European structures and associations like the following: Big Data Value Association (founding member) http://www.bdva.eu, NESSI http://www.nessi-europe.com, INTEROP-VLab http://www.interop-vlab.eu, PLANETIC http://www.planetic.es , ARTEMIS http://www.artemis-ju.eu, and the International Data Space Association (IDSA) (https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/). ITI is leading the interplatforms group for Big Data and AI, where more than 15 spanish technology platforms (Manufacturing, water, energy, food, health, …) are collaborating to define strategic agendas for Spain and the sectors in Big Data and AI.
ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
Contact Person
ITI is located in CPI-Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovacion, a scientific park near the campus of Polytechnic University of Valencia and also in the Technologic Park of Paterna. ITI’s facilities are distributed in an area of 1700m2 and comprise meeting rooms, teaching labs, as well as laboratories for hardware, software testing, and prototyping. ITI has at its disposal different kind of conference rooms which could bring to organize conferences and large meetings: 4 conference rooms of 144 capacity each, 1 conference room of 288 capacity, 15 meeting rooms among 25-60 capacity and a teaching lab of 16 capacity.
Special mention to two main infrastructures:
- ITI Big Data Space: Infrastructure, tools, and data for research and experimentation with Big Data technologies, which has been awarded with the European BDVA i-Space Silver label (http://www.bdva.eu/BDVA_labelled_i-spaces ). This infrastructure consists of: cluster with 2000+ CPU cores, 12+ GPU cores, 20+ TB RAM and huge storage capabilities, OpenStack for software virtualization, Cloudera for Big Data Services, including the following tools: Spark for analysis (using R or Python above MLLib), Hadoop for distributing processing, NoSQL DB like Cassandra or HBase, and additional tools like Sqoop, Hive, Pig.
- Industry 4.0 Fab Lab: Experimentation site composed by a flexible production line where different technologies about sensoring, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, … are being deployed and where companies could see the technologies in action and also experiment with them.
- Equipment Link
- http://www.iti.es
ITI provides the following services:
- Research and development activities in cooperation with companies and under contract
- Big Data deployment services
- Cloud computing development and migration services
- Route Optimization services
- Demand forecasting services
- Production planning services
- Communication networks design
- Predictive maintenance for Industry
- Zero defects in Industry
- Advanced Diagnosis Services in Healthcase
- Cyber Physical Systems modeling and design
- Software Quality Services
- ICT updating services
- Training
- Intelligent Information Management
- Technology Watch
- Strategic Consultancy (Technology roadmaps, Strategic plans)
- Specific ICT recruitment
- Prototyping
- Proof of concept
- Access to Datasets
- Access to infrastructures
- Technologies detection and selection
- Services Link
- http://www.iti.es