- Address
Jamova 39
Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering.
Research topics covered concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering.
The mission of the Jožef Stefan Institute is the accumulation - and dissemination - of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology to the benefit of society at large through the pursuit of education, learning, research, and development of high technology at the highest international levels of excellence.
The Institute devotes a considerable amount of effort to transferring the results of its research and knowledge to productive applications and to the market. The Institute has a long tradition in developing collaborative partnerships with industry and SMEs. This collaboration turns out a continuous stream of new products and services, which in turn advance national economy, improve r quality of life and bring real-world technology and management issues into r research laboratories.
The new knowledge and ideas that are the result of the research at the Institute and its international partners offer numerous development opportunities for Slovene and foreign enterprises. Of particular importance are development of technologies, devices and products; counselling; education of the innovative personnel; joint use of equipment and organisation of joint development teams; assistance with international projects and networks.
Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), coordinated by the inner Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT). Based on European integration within the European Commission’s Digital Innovation Network, the hub is participating in applications for European Commission’s projects for digital innovation hubs, in applications for projects where the component of the digital innovation hub is required, and in applications of the Letter of Intent on various initiatives for digital innovation hubs. The European Commission’s Digital Innovation Network operates in accordance with the following guidance.
As the central part of development, digitization and industrial relations at national and international level, the hub is establishing a system of collaboration between the IJS research departments, the domestic and foreign economy, and the partner networks within the Europe Enterprise Europe Network and the network of technology transfer offices in Slovenia KTT (only in Slovene).
The hub helps researchers and companies to innovate, to transfer scientific results into practice, and digitalization of industry within the framework of the support of the Customized Low Energy Computing Competence center (CLEC) at the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute, which is establishing a network of competence centers across the EU. The hub provides “one-stop shops” and cross-border technology transfer services in the EU and serves as a contact point for the local ecosystem in Slovenia.
More about the Institute research areas:
Evolvement of research areas - Institut "Jozef Stefan" (ijs.si) https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Evolvement%20of%20research%20areas
Enlisting of regional, national, European and global networks
Jožef Stefan Institute is part of:
- PATLIB network (Patent Information Center or Patent Library) at EPO Members
- EARTO (European Association of Research and technology Organisations)
- Expert Group on Strengthening the Management of the enhanced EIC pilot
- CERN KT (CERN Knowledge Transfer)
- CERN KT Forum and KT Forum on Medical Applications
- HiPEAC (High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation) network
- European Research Council
- SWAFS AG (Science With And For Society Advisory Group)
- FETAG (Future and Emerging Technologies Advisory Group)
- TTO Circle (European Technology Transfer Offices Circle)
- Enterprise Europe Network: Within the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) project CTT helps small and medium enterprises, as well as large enterprises, research organizations, professional and sector associations, technology centers and other entities to seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.
- JSI is the coordinator of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership of the Factory of the Future (SRIP FoF) that integrates key enabling technologies within the framework of the national Smart Specialization Strategy.
- JSI coordinates the horizontal network Modern Production Technologies for Materials in the frame of SRIP FoF with the development and implementation of modern technologies for materials such as placement of pilot lines.
- JSI is the member of the ELCA (European Lightweight Cluster Alliance) - a collaborative initiative that aims to accelerate the adoption of lightweight materials in strategic industries. JSI focuses on the development of ceramic- and bio-based materials for electronic devices with new or improved properties and research on nanostructured materials with the processes for their preparation.
- JSI is the partner of Center of excellence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology that offer open access infrastructure for academics, researchers, members from industry providing technological platform for pretentious nanofacture and characterization of the nanostructures with defined metrological standards for synthesis and other protocols.
- JSI is an active partner in the Centre of Excellence NAMASTE as a part of JSI joins top-level scientists and industry R&D departments in order to accelerate the development of improved and new non-metallic materials, components and devices, new knowledge and technologies, advanced bio-materials in areas such as electronics, optoelectronics, photonics and medicine.
- JSI is a main foreign partner of the International Associated Laboratories (LIA) that focuses on search for new push-pull alloys in ternary metal systems.
- JSI coordinates Centre of Excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of Proteins that assures the development of technological expertise and knowhow which will be applied in several projects relevant for industrial partners, with drug discovery, optimization and drug synthesis being the target technology developments.
Josef Stefan Institute
Josef Stefan Institute
Contact Person
Dr. Špela Stres, MBA, LLM
Research infrastructure and equipment at JSI: overall list of research and lab equipment open to the industry is available on the website http://tehnologije.ijs.si/?page_id=5270I including but not limited to:
Center for electron microscopy
- 2 TEM, 3 SEM
- Deposition system for preparation of PVD coatings on metals
Plasma Surface Engineering Lab
- System for RF and MW (surfatron) plasma
- Salt spray chamber
- Thick and thin layer ceramics
Magnet, Ceramic and Sensor Lab
- 3D printing, Spark Plasma Sintering
- Atomic layer deposition, ceramics
- Biological properties of inorganic materials
The Institute has a long tradition in developing collaborative partnerships with industry and the alliance with industry continues to be a priority of the Institute. This collaboration turns out a continuous stream of new products and services, which in turn advance national economy, improve quality of life and bring real-world technology and management issues into research laboratories.
The new knowledge and ideas that are the result of the research at the Institute and its international partners offer numerous development opportunities for Slovene and foreign enterprises. Of particular importance are following services:
- Development of technologies, devices and products
- Counselling
- Education of the innovative personnel
- joint use of equipment and the organisation of joint development teams
- Assistance with international projects and networks
- Proof of concept / Lab testing of basic experimental set-up/ Characterisation
- Prototyping (integrated system/ sub-system) development & testing
- Scientific & technological
Undergraduate and postgraduate students, graduates and school pupils are invited to participate in the research and development work of the Institute. The professors from the Institute are actively involved with all the Slovenian universities as well as with many foreign universities. The Institute is a co-founder of the University of Nova Gorica and the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School and a co-operation agreement has been signed with the University of Ljubljana and the University of Primorska in Koper.
Young people at the Institute develop their expertise and knowledge by participating in research projects and learning from mentors that are internationally acknowledged experts.
Young people pursuing their PhD degrees and postdoctoral programmes who want to be employed by the Institute after they qualify must carry out part of their training at an eminent foreign research institution.
The Institute grants company scholarships to Slovenian and foreign students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in a appropriate field of study.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Robotics High performance computing Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment Monitoring and control Human machine interaction Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 Advanced Materials Electronic and optical functional materials High performance materials (strong, light weight, resistant) Industrial materials (incl. catalysts, membranes, adhesives, filters) Materials for energy storage and generation Smart and multifunctional materials (incl. phase change, shape memory, self-healing, self-manufacturing) Surface engineering and coatings Biotechnology Amino acids, enzymes Polymers, biobased chemicals, plastics, surfactants Micro- and Nano-Eletronics & Photonics Analogue and mixed signal devices (µ-wave, RF, THz) Heterogeneous components & more than Moore (MEMS, NEMS, sensors, transducers) Heterogeneous integration/embedded systems Memory and storage Optoelectronics (optical networks, optical sensors) Power/printed/flexible electronics Quantum technology Nanoemulsions and pigments Nanoparticles & nanomembranes Nanowires and tubes Displays (LCD, plasma, LED, OLED) Laser based applications Optical communication and networks, fibres, components & systems Photodetectors (solar cells, photo-diodes, photo-transistors) AR/VR Augmented Reality Mixed Reality Virtual Reality Artificial intelligence & Big Data Biometrics Deep learning Natural Language Processing, machine learning, text & data mining Signal sensing Smart control, decision management Speech recognition Video / image processing Virtual agents Data analytics (predictive analysis, in-memory analytics, network analysis, advanced cluster analysis) Data management (acquisition, extraction and integration) Block chain Cloud Computing IoT Advanced sensor technologies Broadband network technologies (e.g. 5G, 4G, Wifi) Edge computing Location detection technologies Narrowband network technologies (e.g. LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT) Peer-to-peer technologies (e.g. Bluetooth, NFC) Industrial robots Digital tech for security/cybersecurity Cryptography Intrusion detection system Network & computer security OtherOther activities
Reactor engineering
Intelligent Computing